Seating Limited. Complimentary Lunch. Register here.
This program will provide a framework for managing partners, law firm administrators and human resource personnel to respond appropriately when law firm personnel are demonstrating signs of a mental health or substance abuse crisis. You will leave with an understanding of the signs of personal crisis, how first to respond to stabilize the individual, how then to work towards long-term stability, and finally how to reintegrate the individual into the firm. A thoughtful planned approach will help the individual move successfully past the crisis while protecting the firm and clients from damaging repercussions that often result from an individual crisis.
Established in 1984, Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers (LCL) is a professional lawyer assistance program providing the bench and bar of Massachusetts guidance on a wide range of personal, mental health, and addiction problems. LCL’s free services are confidential, compassionate and professional.
The program will begin with a greeting from Hon. Margot Botsford, Supreme Judicial Court, followed by presentations by the following mental health professionals: Barbara Bowe, LICSW, LCL’s Senior Clinician, Andrew Kang, JD, LICSW, Boston Professionals Counseling, LLC, and Arden O’Connor, MBA, Founder of O’Connor Professional Group.