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Flying Solo? New Group for You

The new "Getting It Done" series of group meetings for solo and small firm practitioners will soon commence its 6-meeting run, offering strategies to get more organized, implement goals, overcoming self-defeating beliefs/habits, combat procrastination and time wasters, and leverage technology…

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LCL’s Professional Conduct Group

Legal practice is a “tough assignment” for most every attorney out there, even if they love what they do! There are so many different elements to practice between managing client expectations, getting paid, keeping up with practice demands, court schedules,…

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No Lawyer is an Island

Most lawyers are acculturated to present an image of themselves as knowing, capable, even invulnerable or self-sufficient. Yet lawyers are human beings, and thus subject to vulnerabilities and setbacks. It is on that basis that, when speaking to groups of…

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A Word to the (Recovering) Wise

As the days grow shorter, colder and darker, people find themselves inclined to “batten down the hatches” and stay indoors.  This time of the year is known in recovery circles as the “trifecta” (Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years).    This trifecta…

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Our Heroes

Observed annually each September, “Recovery Month” sponsored by the US Department of Health & Human Services, promotes the societal benefits of treatment for substance use and mental disorders, celebrates people in recovery, lauds the contributions of treatment providers, and promotes…

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Another Look at Lawyer Suicide

Over a year ago, my first LCL blog of any substance dealt with the issue of lawyer suicide, at a time when 3 prominent lawyers had recently ended their lives, leaving many others not only saddened but also perplexed in…

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Counterpoint to Myself (re plight of new lawyers)

Inasmuch as my previous post (“Is the Legal Profession Neglecting its Young?”) could be considered a bit inflammatory (though it is meant solely to support the needs of the profession’s newcomers), allow me to convey some additional information provided to…

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