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LCL Rallying Cry

Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers started as a free resource for lawyers battling substance abuse and has evolved over the years into a multifaceted service agency that provides free and confidential support groups, clinical evaluations, clinical groups, clinical consultations, referrals to…

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Many New Lawyers are in Rough Shape – Tell Me Something I Didn’t Know

A report published last month by Wisconsin’s state bar, based on a survey of new lawyers, found that newly admitted attorneys faced “huge law school debt, unemployment, underemployment, or inadequate pay,” along with fewer opportunities for training.  The result, of course, is not only economic depression but emotional depression.  (Click here to read the Wisconsin Bar article.)

None of this comes as a surprise to me as a clinician at LCL, 

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Sailing on Troubled Waters: Helping the Attorney in Crisis

Seating Limited. Complimentary Lunch. Register here. This program will provide a framework for managing partners, law firm administrators and human resource personnel to respond appropriately when law firm personnel are demonstrating signs of a mental health or substance abuse crisis. You will…

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