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MBLA Insight Series: Superior Court Judge Panel (Free MBLA Event)

Hosted by the MBLA   REGISTER HERE    The Massachusetts Black Lawyers Association (“MBLA”) presents: Judicial Tips for Successful Superior Court Practice, the first program as part of the MBLA’s Insights Series.  During this interactive, virtual program, the panel of distinguished Superior Court judges…

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Trust Account Training [FREE BBO/OBC Event]

Hosted by the Mass BBO / OBC   Free trust account training trainings provide guidance for attorneys, paralegals, bookkeepers, or other law office support staff interested in receiving training on the requirements of Mass. R. Prof. C. 1.15 (as revised effective 7/1/15),…

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Trust Account Training [FREE BBO/OBC Event]

Hosted by the Mass BBO / OBC   Free trust account training trainings provide guidance for attorneys, paralegals, bookkeepers, or other law office support staff interested in receiving training on the requirements of Mass. R. Prof. C. 1.15 (as revised effective 7/1/15),…

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Trust Account Training [FREE BBO/OBC Event]

Hosted by the Mass BBO / OBC   Free trust account training trainings provide guidance for attorneys, paralegals, bookkeepers, or other law office support staff interested in receiving training on the requirements of Mass. R. Prof. C. 1.15 (as revised effective 7/1/15),…

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